BA5CW Jack Zheng
Team: Asia 4 (Team Leader)
Country: China
Age: 46
Occupation: Engineer of MRI, Vice Manager
I am a newcomer to amateur radio, getting my first personal license in 2002. I am a member of the Mulan DX Club and a committee member of the Worked All Provinces of China (WAPC) contest. Contesting is my greatest interest. Due to a bad urban environment, I spend most of my contest time in BY5CD and B5A club station. I am thankful for these stations that helped me grow into a serious contester and helped me realize the different approaches to contesting and station setup. I’m also thankful for those hams, especially my wife, who encourage me in daily DX, DXpeditions, and contests.
I’m lucky and proud to be selected as a team leader of WRTC2014 and looking forward to meeting so many famous hams. I am sure I can learn a lot from this great event.