OE2VEL Wolfgang “Wolf” Klier
Team: Eastern Europe 4 (Team Leader)
Country: Austria
Age: 55
Occupation: Managing Director, Industrial Electronics Company
My amateur career started in 1975, when I received my license and soon began to hunt DX-stations. Contests were first seen as the chance to contact many rare stations. With a small station in the city I was not competitive but met some friends who had better stations (e. g. DL9PT) and also helped me to do contests using a portable setup at the weekend house of my parents. 1978 I made my first DXpedition to HB0, followed by two pacific trips in 1981 together with Ed, OE1ETA.
In 1989 I was one of the founders of the OE2DX Group and soon we built up a small station for contesting and DXing licensed as OE2XEL, now better known as OE2S (a call only allowed for use in contests).
Till today I had the chance to participate in several DXpeditions and contest operations in Austria and abroad even winning Multi-Single worldwide from C56T back in 1998. In 2000 and 2002 I attended WRTCs as a competitor, 2010 as a referee, thanks to Ivan, OE3DIA.
Knowing that OE2S is not equipped to win I did not plan to compete for a WRTC2014 ticket. However, Ivan, OE3DIA and Rainer OE4RLC offered me to use their stations OE3K and OE4A. A visit at EA8ZS and E7DX brought good results also so I succeeded to qualify as a team leader. Look forward to WRTC not only to compare our team’s ability with all the other top teams, but also to have the unique possibility to meet so many friends personally.
Plans are to combine the trip with a family holiday including some sightseeing in New England and Eastern Canada. Still enjoy travelling and as I have worked all countries on the radio I am now working on DXFC (visited DXCC countries) and hope to get the 100 full within the next 3 years.