RV1AW Andrey Karpov
Team: European Russia 1
Country: Russia
Age: 45
Occupation: Telecom/semiconductor production
I got involved with ham radio in September 1981 at the age of 13. I started to learn CW in Junior Technician School UK1AFA in Leningrad (now Saint-Petersburg). I made my first CW QSO seven months later in April 1982. I got my first license in 1985 when I was 16 years old. My main activity was in the contests and at club stations, 1982 – 1990 at UK1AFA/UZ1AWO, and since 1990 at club station of Aerospace Instrumentation University RU1A. Looking for better job, I moved to Far East (Vladivistok) in 2005 and later in 2009 to Moscow region. Since that time did main contest activity from P33W and RL3A mostly.
My interests besides contesting and ham radio include travelling and movies.
I participated as a competitor in four WRTC: 1996 (W6H), 2000 (S587N), 2002 (OJ8E), and 2006 (PW5W). Finished # 2 together with RA3AUU twice in a row in 2000 (Slovenia) and 2002 (Finland). Looking forward to have unforgettable time at WRTC again together with all of you guys.