List of official Press Releases issued by WRTC2014.
WESTBOROUGH, MA Issued July 15, 2014…The award winners for the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC2014) were announced at a ceremony July 14 at the conclusion of the event. A team from the USA earned the gold medal, with teams from Slovakia and Germany getting silver and bronze.
The US team of Dan Craig, N6MJ, and Chris Hurlbut, KL9A, operating with the callsign K1A, took home the gold for their winning effort. Their final score after log checking was 7,184,844 points. There was little suspense about the top spot; Craig and Hurlbut had led the 59 competing teams from the first hour. Craig, 33, of Rancho Cucamonga, California, comes from a ham radio family and got his license when he was just 8 years old. He had competed in the last three WRTCs, finishing fourth in 2002, second in 2006, and third in 2010. Hurlbut, 31, of Bozeman, Montana, became a ham when he was 10 and began contesting 4 years later. A number of family members were hams including his great grandfather, grandfather, father, and uncle. Hurlbut competed in WRTC-2006 as the partner of N0AX.

The scoreboard uses an innovative data collection method developed by Dave Pascoe KM3T and Bob Raymond WA1Z.

Contact: Michelle McGrath, PR | Media Relations,, 339-832-0820,
Italian Princess Visits Historic Cape Cod Wireless Site, Honors Upcoming World Radiosport Team Championship
WELLFLEET and WESTBOROUGH, MA, Issued June 24, 2014…Italy’s Princess Elettra Marconi visited the historic Marconi wireless site at Cape Cod National Seashore last week, honoring the memory and accomplishments of her father, inventor of radio, Guglielmo Marconi. During her stay, Princess Marconi marked the occasion by initiating a radio contact through the Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club station with organizers of the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC2014), an international radiosport competition being held across New England from July 9 through 14.

The ARRL Foundation was created in 1973 to provide grants supporting Amateur Radio activities and programs, and currently awards 75-80 scholarships per year to students pursuing higher education. This grant was in support of the public relations effort being conducted by WRTC2014 to use the competition to promote Amateur Radio to the general public.
The WRTC competitors will use 1×1 callsigns from the USA first call area. Sixteen of the available 75 callsigns will not be used, including the longest and shortest CW suffixes (“J”, “Q”, “Y”, “E”) and suffixes that are frequently miscopied on CW (“H”). Note that the “X” suffixes are not available in this callsign series.

Attendees to the Contest Dinner were able to contribute to WRTC2014 in two ways: by purchasing additional tickets for the door prizes and by the members of each table pooling their donations. WWROF offered to match these donations up to a specified amount. DX Engineering offered $100 gift certificates to the table with the largest total.
The Contest Dinner contributions exceeded $10,000. Three tables pledged more than $1,000 to earn a Team Village sponsorship. In a separate activity, the Dayton 2014 RTTY Contest Dinner on Friday night passed the hat to donate over $1,000.
The “WRTC2014 Chase” will run concurrently with the IARU HF Championship beginning on July 12 at 1200Z. The fifty nine WRTC2014 stations will have distinctive callsigns that will be easy to recognize (calls to be announced at a later date).
Andy Blank, N2NT, director of the WRTC2014 competition committee stressed the importance of off-site participants as part of the competition. “The WRTC teams will be using 100 watts to simple antennas. High activity will make the competition more exciting and help identify the more skilled operating teams. In what other sport can you stay home and still be on the field of play?”

Contact: Michelle McGrath, PR | Media Relations,, 339-832-0820,
16 New England Communities to Host International Radiosport Competition
WESTBOROUGH, MA Issued April 15, 2014… The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) organizers have selected 16 New England communities as operating sites to host its 7th quadrennial radiosport competition, the first held in the United States since 1996. From July 9 through 14, the world’s top amateur radio operators will converge on towns spanning the Route 495 corridor for the “Olympiad of amateur radio,” WRTC2014. Previous WRTC competitions have been held in Seattle (1990), San Francisco (1996), Slovenia (2000), Finland (2002), Brazil (2006), and Russia (2010).

The Colvin Award is managed by ARRL and funded by an endowment established by Lloyd D. Colvin, W6KG (SK). The Colvin Award is conferred in the form of grants in support of Amateur Radio projects that promote international goodwill in the field of DX.
The WRTC2014 Steering Committee permits each WRTC organizer to offer the opportunity for sponsors to name teams outside the normal qualification process as a fund raising mechanism. For WRTC2014, the first 3 sponsorships were available on a first-come first-served basis. A fourth Sponsored Team will be made available by auction.
December 16, 2013
Onsite Referees for WRTC2014 Announced
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC), is pleased to announce the fifty-nine referees that will be monitoring the competing teams during the competition July 12-13, 2014.
A referee will be on site at each of the 59 competing stations to verify compliance with the rules and make decisions on any rule questions by the teams. The referees must be top-level contesters because they must simultaneously listen to the audio from both operators for the entire 24 hours of the WRTC2014 competition.
September 24, 2013
WRTC2014 Announces Invitation of Team Leaders
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC), is proud to announce the operators that have been invited to form teams for the competition to be held in July 2014. In addition to the 51 Team Leaders who emerged from the qualifying process, the announcement includes two Wild Card selections, a Youth team, and the defending champion from WRTC2010.
August 10, 2013
WRTC2014 Accepting Applications for Team Leaders
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is pleased to announce that the application process for individuals that would like to participate in WRTC2014 as a Team Leader is now open. Team Leader applications must be submitted no later than September 13, 2013.
May 14, 2013
DoubleTree by Hilton Selected as Host Hotel for WRTC2014
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) competition is pleased to announce that the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Westborough, MA, has been selected as the host hotel for the event.
WRTC2014 is expected to bring together nearly 200 competitors and referees from around the world for a weekend of radio competition. Another 200+ visitors are expected to attend in order to take advantage of this rare opportunity to meet radio friends from around the world.
April 17, 2013
WRTC2014 Now Accepting Applications for Referees
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) competition, is continuing its preparations for a world class event by opening the application process for qualified individuals that would like to serve as Referees.
WRTC is unique among amateur radio competitions in that it places an on-site Referee with every operating team. The primary responsibility of the Referee is to monitor the competitors to confirm that they are following all of the WRTC rules. The Referee may be required to make a ruling as to whether equipment can be replaced. Referees also serve as a communication back-up to report the score of their team on a regular basis for the online scoreboard.
January 31, 2013
WRTC2014 Names Judging Committee
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition is pleased to announce the judging committee that will be responsible for certifying the results of the competition. David Sumner, K1ZZ, will serve as Chief Judge leading the committee of Nodir Tursoon-Zadeh, EY8MM, Don Field, G3XTT, Dan Street, K1TO, and Dick Norton, N6AA.
In making the announcement, WRTC2014 Chairman Doug Grant, K1DG, stated, “We are extremely fortunate to have this multi-national team of Judges on board. Each of them is highly respected by the contesting community and brings valuable experience and skills to the event. It is our goal to ensure a fairly-judged competition and we are confident this team will do a great job.”
August 21, 2012
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition is pleased to announce that Times Microwave Systems, a leading manufacturer of high quality coaxial cable, custom coaxial cables and high performance cable assemblies for military and commercial applications, is providing all the coaxial cables required for the WRTC2014 event at no charge.
July 7, 2012
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition announced that the official competition rules have been published at These are the rules that will be followed by the onsite competitors.
May 2, 2012
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce a new line of WRTC2014 branded shirts, hats and other gear. The WRTC2014 online store will be operated by Wicked Designz of Sudbury, MA. The address of the web store is
The initial offering will include long and short sleeve t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, and a cap. Additional products will be added over time. All items are high quality and reflect the pride of the WRTC2014 organizing committee. Shipping is available to both domestic and international addresses. Secure payment can be made using credit cards or Paypal.
April 23, 2012
WRTC 2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce the first two tent sponsors from Europe have stepped forward. The Contest Club of Finland and Contest University (CTU) Italy 2012 will each sponsor a station tent for the competition.
The WRTC Organizing Committee will provide each of the 59 competing teams with identical antennas, coax, towers, tents, tables, chairs, generators, and other site infrastructure. Funding for this equipment is assisted through tent sponsorships of $1,000 from clubs and other groups.
April 5, 2012
WRTC 2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce that the tribander antennas to be used for the competition will be supplied by Cycle 24 Antenna Products Company. Cycle 24 was selected after a thorough technical evaluation and competitive bidding process among multiple antenna suppliers.
The WRTC Station Committee identified a list of preferred attributes for the WRTC competition antenna. These included being light weight, having good performance, ease of assembly, and available at a competitive price. Several antennas met the requirements. The successful bidder, Cycle 24, provided an antenna with a winning combination that not only addressed the electrical and mechanical performance sought but also provided a design that was fast to assemble and worked very well in all aspects of installation, test and disassembly.
January 5, 2012
WRTC-2014 Announces New Advisory Council Member – W1UF
WRTC 2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce that L. Dennis Shapiro, W1UF, has joined the WRTC2014 Advisory Council. The Advisory Council consists of individuals who have experience in the execution of major events and are willing to provide significant financial resources to the project.
Dennis is a lifelong New Englander and maintains two stations – one in the Boston area and one on Nantucket Island. He is an active DXer and currently an occasional contester, though he was extremely active in contests in the past. Dennis explains his motivation for joining the Advisory Council, “I am interested in building international friendships and see WRTC as furthering that goal.”
WRTC 2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce the initial members of the WRTC2014 Advisory Council. The Advisory Council consists of individuals who have experience in the execution of major events and are willing to provide significant financial resources to the project. The initial members of the Council are Tim Duffy, K3LR, Craig Thompson, K9CT, and George DeMontrond III, NR5M.
Tim Duffy, K3LR, has participated in four WRTC competitions and expressed his feelings on joining the Council. “I am thrilled to become a member and assist the organizing committee in its goal to host the world in New England. I hope that others will join me and become involved in this shining moment of radiosporting.”
Craig Thompson, K9CT, recognized the high visibility of WRTC within the ham radio and contesting community. “I am pleased to offer my support for this important international ham radio event in the United States. The highest expectations have been set by prior hosts and it is in the best interests of ham radio that we continue to improve.”
George DeMontrond III, NR5M, is a believer in the competitive aspects of WRTC. “I support WRTC as the premier venue to display amateur radio contesting skills and talent. It is important to provide an environment that properly showcases those that qualify to compete in such an event.”
“Receiving this level of support from such well known contesters and successful businessmen is a vote of confidence for the organizing team,” said Doug Grant, K1DG, Chairman of WRTC-2014. “We look forward to receiving the benefits of their experience and advice as we progress toward the WRTC event in July 2014.”
The WRTC2014 Advisory Council is responsible for advising the organizers on the planning of the event. Council members are all well-respected in the amateur radio community as operators and station builders and have demonstrated success in business. They generally have experience in the planning and execution of major events and are able to provide guidance and assistance in areas such as fundraising, project management, and making connections with useful resources. These individuals have also committed to provide significant personal financial support to the project.
For information about WRTC-2014 or joining the Advisory Council, contact WRTC Chairman, Doug Grant, K1DG, via e-mail at
About WRTC 2014
The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is held every four years and consists of approximately 50 two-person teams of amateur radio operators from around the world competing in a test of operating skill. Unlike most on-the-air competitions, all stations are required to use identical antennas from the same geographic region, eliminating all variables except operating ability. Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle (1990), San Francisco (1996), Slovenia (2000), Finland (2002), Brazil (2006), and Russia (2010). More information is available at
About Tim Duffy, K3LR
Tim has been an active contest operator for almost 40 years. Tim is a member of the CQ Contest Committee (20 years), serves as chairman of Contest University (5 years), organizer of the Dayton Contest Dinner (19 years), and coordinator of the Dayton Contest Super Suite (26 years). He is also a founding member and past multi year President of the North Coast Contesters. He has been on team USA at WRTC four times. Tim serves on the board of directors of the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation as Vice Chairman and on the Radio Club of America (RCA) executive committee. K3LR was elected to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame in 2006.
About Craig Thompson, K9CT
Craig’s first contest was Novice Roundup in 1967. Craig has re-ignited his contesting fire in the last few years and is in the process of building a competitive contest station that is capable from 1.8 to 1296 MHz and soon on 2m EME. Favorite contests are ARRL and CQ DX contests, ARRL SS, June VHF and 160. He enjoys CW mostly, but is also active on SSB and RTTY. Craig has been president and owner of Thompson Electronics Company, an electronic system integrator/contractor since 1980. He has been on many boards, both elected and appointed. At present, Craig is semi-retired to have more time for ham radio, running, and golf.
About George DeMontrond III, NR5M
George DeMontrond III has been licensed since 1966 and an avid contester since 1984 when he joined the Texas DX Society. He built a multi-multi contest station in 1984-1986, pursued other interests in the early 90’s, and has returned to station building in 2007. His world class station 50 miles northwest of Houston is QRV on all contest bands and modes from 1.8 to 1296 MHz. George brings a wealth of big event experience through his involvement in attempts by the city of Houston to bid for the Olympics and as a Director for one of Houston’s biggest events, the Livestock Show and Rodeo.
WRTC 2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce that it has received a significant financial contribution from the YASME Foundation.
In announcing the gift, Yasme Secretary, Kip Edwards, W6SZN stated, “The Yasme Foundation is pleased to support WRTC-2014. WRTC is not only the premier radiosport competition but it also furthers the goals of amateur radio, especially the promotion of international goodwill.”
“It is very gratifying to receive this vote of support from Yasme,” said Doug Grant, K1DG, Chairman of WRTC-2014. “More than just a radio competition, WRTC is a place where competitors from around the world can create or renew lasting friendships.”
Fifty-nine (59) teams of top amateur radio contest operators from around the globe will travel to theNew Englandarea July 10-14, 2014 to compete in WRTC-2014. Participation is based on qualifying scores posted in major contests between 2010 and 2014. A group of referees and judges, themselves well known contest operators, will oversee the competition and confirm the results.
For information about WRTC-2014, contact WRTC Chairman, Doug Grant, K1DG, via e-mail at
The YASME Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized to conduct scientific and educational projects related to Amateur Radio, including DXing (long distance communication) and the introduction and promotion of Amateur Radio in underdeveloped countries. For more information please visit
About WRTC 2014
The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is held every four years and consists of approximately 50 two-person teams of amateur radio operators competing in a test of operating skill. Unlike most on-the-air competitions, all stations are required to use identical antennas from the same geographic region, eliminating all variables except operating ability. Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle(1990), San Francisco(1996), Slovenia(2000), Finland(2002), Brazil(2006), and Russia(2010). More information is available at
March 1, 2011
WRTC2014, Inc., host of the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship competition, is pleased to announce that it has received a significant financial contribution from the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF).