Number of logs found: 59
Download all logs in zip file (2Mb).
All QSL cards are being handled by the WRTC2014 Organizing Committee. Refer questions to
The video is available at:
Look for the Download button. Then select the video resolution.
Note that the file sizes can be very large!

The video was produced by James Brooks, 9V1YC, and runs approximately 59 minutes. James took advantage of 9 roving video teams to capture high definition footage of action at headquarters and out in the field, artfully telling the WRTC2014 story using the participants’ own words.
View the video at:
Funding for video production was provided by a generous grant from the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF).
The video is being distributed from the Web at no charge. We plan to make a downloadable version available in the near future to help facilitate use at club meetings.
Thanks to all of the volunteers, competitors, referees, and judges for starring in the show and making WRTC2014 such a success!

The book is available from See
There is free eBook format available as well as printed book. 160 pages and 360 photos. Full preview available.
I have created an animated GIF file that displays the progress of each WRTC team, hour by hour, compared to the winning team K1A (N6MJ, KL9A).
The three animated bar charts show Claimed score, QSOs (duped), and Multipliers, with a reference line on K1A’s progress in each chart. The number to the right of the callsigns is the claimed score rank, as of that moment in time.

OAG producer Karen Givens visited WRTC2014, interviewed some of the competitors and visited several station sites. She has informed me that WRTC2014 will be a feature on this week’s show!
OAG web site:
Only A Game is broadcast nationally in the United States by 233 stations. See station list at
The show is also available on iTunes podcast and from the web site.
The initial show time is 7am EDST, but there are additional replays on Sat evening and on the West Coast. Check the station list above for show times.
The audio link should be available at after the show airs.
This is a very popular show with a wide following. We are very excited to have WRTC2014 be featured.
Ways you can join the fun and participate in WRTC2014:
- Watch the 5 minute WRTC2014 intro video
- Watch the “pregame” webinar recording at
- Visit the WRTC2014 web site and read the profiles of the competitors. You have probably worked many of them before!
- Ham Nation visits with WRTC2014 on Wednesday evening, July 9, at 9pm EDST (Thursday 0100 UTC)-
- Catch the live video streaming from the WRTC2014 headquarters hotel during social events and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. See the video and schedule.
- Get on the air and work the teams! The WRTC2014 competition runs in parallel with the IARU HF Championship from 1200 UTC July 12 to 1200 UTC July 13.
- Each contact with a WRTC2014 team earns 5 points for the ARRL Centennial QSO. The teams will all be using 1×1 call signs. Print out the checklist and mark them off as you go.
- Win awards in the “WRTC2014 Chase” for working all 59 teams or the most band modes. What’s the best time? Check out the WRTC2014 propagation forecast tools.
- Watch the live scoreboard. The scores of all teams will be visible in real time during the contest!
- Send your log in Cabrillo format to within 6 hours after the contest to become an Assistant Judge!
- Watch the video streaming of the Closing Ceremony to see who won.
- Attend the WRTC2014 wrap up presentation at 2pm on Saturday, July 19, at the ARRL National Centennial Convention!
Date: Sunday, July 6
Time: 18:00 UTC
Randy Thompson, K5ZD, one of the organizers of WRTC2014, will provide a preview of the upcoming WRTC2014 competition. It’s an opportunity to look behind the scenes at the work that has been going on to prepare for this Olympiad of Amateur Radio. Randy will preview the week’s schedule, the teams, the competition, and what you can do from home to join in the fun. A few competitors and other organizers may drop in as well.
This webinar is hosted by the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF).
Ken K4ZW
In 2013, W1UE recorded the audio from two radios under similar band conditions expected in 2014. Those recordings are available as mono tracks – one for each radio – at (at the bottom of the page).
Participants can now listen to a stereo version that simulates the combined action of the two radios – as will be heard by referees during the competition.
Contact Les at NI1L@ARRL.NET if you would like help finding a place to operate. Please include the following:
- Callsign
- Name
- Contact info (email and mobile number)
- Your operating interest (full time, part time, fun, serious, night/day, etc.)
- If you will have a car
NOW: If there are any problems for TLs,TMs, or referees such as travel, family/business matters or visa/travel problems that will prevent you from attending, please contact: IMMEDIATELY so he can take appropriate actions.
NOW: If not already done, please finish your on-line registration, especially arrival and departure times, so that we can complete the ground transportation plan and assign local volunteers.
June 8: Last day for visitors to reserve a room at WRTC2014 hotels at the WRTC2014 rate. See:

The tours are organized for the WRTC2014 competitors and referees, but everyone is welcome on a space available basis. There are links to the registration pages where everyone must sign up for the activities they want to participate in. Tours will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

8:30am May 31, 2014 at Milara, Inc., 49 Maple Street, Milford, MA
The WRTC2014 Organizing Committee and the Yankee Clipper Contest Club will conduct a joint meeting in Milford, MA on May 31, 2014. The purpose of the meeting is to recruit and provide training for volunteers who will be involved in the WRTC2014 event. Everyone is invited. The main door prize will be a TX38 tribander.